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25 Days of Christmas: Day 23

Posted by Yummy

25 Days of Christmas: Day 23

Today is just two days before Christmas. It's a time for family and friends to gather together and enjoy the season.

Today I am asking that you take a minute and remember that we have many who aren't with their families this year for the holidays. Those who serve in our military and are deployed often spend their holidays away from their family and let's take a minute today and remember them.

Christmas Day

I recall one year when my father was deployed. He wasn't coming home until the first week in January. We made a decision to wait for Christmas until he came home. What a trying thing that was for two little children; I was in the fifth grade and my brother was in the first grade. We anxiously awaited that day. When the day arrived, we made the two hour drive to Denver to pick him up at the airport. It was snowy that day and we got home very, very late. We were so excited on the way home, some because he was home and certainly some because we knew when we got home, we would get to open those presents under the tree. When we arrived at our home (we lived in a trailer in those days), it was to find that the lock on our door had frozen shut and there was no way we were getting in that night. We ended up spending the night at my grandparents' house and coming home the next day to have our Christmas.

Today in my hometown of Pueblo, Colorado, we will have the funeral of a fallen Marine, who gave his life in Afghanistan. What a sad time for the family and perhaps even more so at the holidays. Their son will be home, although not in the way they have always hoped. Sadly, I understand the folks from Westboro Baptist Church will also be attending that funeral (well, they don't really attend funerals, they just protest). I cannot understand why anyone would want to do that to a family at a time when they are grieving. And yet, indeed that Marine fought for their freedom to do and say what they choose. The Patriot Guard Riders will also be in full presence tomorrow, standing between those who would cause additional pain and the family. I am so glad. And me? I will be standing on the street with my flag to salute this man as he goes to his final resting place. It is the very least I can do.

Take a minute today to be thankful for those who give so freely of themselves and cannot be with their families this year. They give so much, doing this is a small thing for us to do in these hectic times.

25 Days of Christmas: Day 23


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