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Christmas Newsletters

Posted by Yummy

Christmas Newsletters

Christmas is the time of year where everyone gets together. It is one of the holidays that even family you never hear from gives you a call to find out how you are doing. Of course, this leads to hours on the phone repeating the same stories over and over again to all the people who missed out during the year. While it is a great way to catch up there is a faster and easier way that allows everyone in the family to join in.

Christmas newsletters are one way to let everyone in the family know, whether they are nearby or far away, what has been going on in your family during the year. It is a great way to put in all the little stories and important moments. Some individuals include pictures, copies of papers or drawings, depending on the age of the children, and other important or noteworthy things.

Christmas Day

There are a few parts to a Christmas newsletter. The first part is the greeting section. Ideas to use for the Greeting section include Merry Christmas or Holiday Greetings From "Your Family Name" and then the names of all the members of the family and possibly your pets, as well. This should be in large colorful or bold lettering and perhaps a fancy font like Chocolate Box. It can also include the family motto if you have one.

The next section is going to be the body of the newsletter. There is a variety of different methods that you can use for this section of the newsletter. The first is the traditional newsletter style, which consists of two columns similar to a newspaper. The next is a paragraph format. Both of these styles should be date ordered from the beginning of the year and onwards to the most recent event. It does not have to be details or extensive. Many of these newsletters are a single page in length but it is common in larger or highly active families for them to be multiple pages. Experiment with your word processor - some new versions are even including newsletter templates.

Once you have chosen the style for your Christmas newsletter the next step is to decide which stories you want to share with everyone and organize them either by person or by date. Then simply type them up. It can be a simple letter or you can add things like graphics for each of the stories.

Consider posting your newsletter to your blog or emailing it to your friends using a contact manager like Constant Contact. Avoid the computer faux pas of sending out an email that shows the email addresses of everyone on your list. (Katy may not want Jim to have her email address.) At the very least, email your newsletter to yourself and BCC everyone else on the list.

To avoid issues with email and spam filters, this might be a good time to check out all the places where you can set up your own family blog. There are several companies online that will host your Wordpress blog complete with templates and everything. Or take advantage of free blog spaces provided by companies like

If you have a facebook,, myspace or other social networking membership, be sure to let folks know you are there. You can load links to your Christmas newsletter/blog and encourage friends and family to keep up with your family all year long via these great social networking tools.

Creating a Christmas or holiday newsletter is a great way to catch everyone up in the family happenings as well as share the hopes for the New Year as well as renew ties with family - whether printed on traditional paper or distributed via the internet, Christmas newsletters are a super way to bring your friends and family up to date with what has happened all year.

Christmas Newsletters


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