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Christmas - Unique Traditions in Bavaria, Belgium, Bulgaria and Brazil!

Christmas is celebrated with unique and unusual traditions, foods and customs in many countries. Here are some fascinating insights and traditions shared from Bavaria, Belgium, Bulgaria and Brazil.

Bavaria - Star Singers - As part of the Christmas celebrations in Bavaria, children dress up as The Three Kings and carry an imitation star on a pole. From New Year's day to January 6th children travel from house to house and sing religious songs. The children are referred to as "Star Singers". Children are rewarded with money or sweets. If given sweets they may eat them. If given money it is given to a Catholic church or to a charity. As the children depart they put a chalk mark "C.M.B" on houses they have visited. This is sometimes taken as a reference to The Three Kings (Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) while others believe it may originally have represented the words "Christus mansionem benedicat" meaning "Christ bless this house".

Christmas Eve

Belgium - Belgium enjoys two Santa Claus figures. There is St. Nicholas (who visits those who speak the Waloon language) and Pere Noel (who visits those who speak French) and is accompanied by his companion Pere Fouettard. The first visit is on 4th December when he checks to see if children have been good or bad. He returns on December 6th (the feast of St Nicholas) with presents (usually candy or toys) for the good children and twigs left inside shoes or in a small basket left inside the doorway for the bad children. A tradition continues in small villages where three local men are chosen to portray "The Three Kings". They move from house to house singing carols on January 6th. The Three Kings are joyously welcomed and rewarded with gifts of food or small treats. Families enjoy a Christmas Eve meal of Aarappel Kroketjes consisting of fried potato croquettes and Speculoos, cookies made with cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

Brazil - It is very hot in Brazil at Christmas and so their Santa type character called Papai Noel (Father Noel) is the gift bringer who wears light red silks. According to legend he lives in Greenland. It is believed this character was imported from and developed into their own from North America in the 50's and became popular because of the commercial appeal in the late 60's and 70's. A Christmas December tradition for family and friends to share is called "Secret Friend" (amigo secreto). Participants at the beginning of December write their name on a piece of paper. Each participant takes a paper (but does not reveal the name of the person on it). Over the month there is communication between picked partners who use fake names "apelidos" during correspondence for added fun. Then at Christmas, family and friends gather to reveal their secret friends and exchange a present or gift between chosen secret friends. Christmas dinner includes turkey, ham, colored rice with lots of fresh vegetable and fruit dishes. The most popular song in Brazil associated with Christmas is "Noite Feliz" (Silent Night).
Bulgaria - A main tradition is "sooroovachka" whereby children with a specially prepared handmade patting stick, pat family, friends and visitors Christmas Eve whilst saying a wish for health, wealth and happiness to the one patted. Bulgarian's give the child money at the end of the patting which they believe is their way of buying success for the coming year. Another tradition is where homemade bread has a coin added before baking. When Christmas dinner begins the oldest person breaks the bread and gives a piece to everyone. The one who gets the coin is believed to be bestowed with wealth and prosperity in the new year.

The main celebration meal is held Christmas Eve at the home of the oldest grandparent. Hey is placed under the dinner table in respect of and to remind the family of the manger. The Christmas Eve dinner table which consists of 7-11 dishes, is not cleared until the next morning. This is a tradition which they believe will ensure there will be plenty of food for the coming year!

Christmas - Unique Traditions in Bavaria, Belgium, Bulgaria and Brazil!


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