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Who is Santa Claus ?

Posted by Yummy

Santa Claus is a feature or symbol. Children and the most popular people. On Christmas. Santa Claus, but in fact was virtually no involvement with this festival.

Name "Santa Claus" is the name of Saint Nicholas LAS. This is a native of Holland St. accordingly God is the saint of children. Saint Nicholas is the pope's ไมรา. (Currently in Turkey) live approximately 4 century Holland, when a group of people colonization in the United States, They still maintain this tradition is celebrated in St. Nicholas on December 6, which means this will be a great saint of children. And some other gifts to children. Other children are not descendants of people who migrated from Holland, they feel like involved in this tradition, to receive gifts from this tradition. This tradition spread in America. With some changes is the name of Saint Nicholas LAS change is a Santa Claus and instead of a pope, Saint is a person who became obese men to wearing the red and live at North Pole and drop a deer with a vehicle drag and Karen Deer, will visit all children in this world. On the occasion of Christmas. Down to the chimney of the home to take gifts to their children, Santa Claus is actually a sweet story for children to believe, but may make people turn their attention and focus in this story instead of Christ Birth of Jesus which is the center of this Christmas.

To the Christmas gift. This is a tradition. Start with the people of Rome had the gift to friends in the New Year. (Usually a fruit dessert or gold) to the British hold "on drums" (on December 26) is on drugs Si post was open governance "tom review" in the church and its members distributed money to the poor. the British would present them to people. And various officials. On that day in Europe with children tend to understand that his leadership gift to baby Jesus to him. (In fact the parents are to separate), but children in the United States tend to think that "Santa Claus" is the provider.

Night Before Christmas. Or Christmas Eve. Carol is the Rockford Darling. The children will have sing to home at Christmas night. Who regards Christianity. Will gather at church to do activities together, such as singing show.


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